
My life was ruined the day I abandoned my search for the Sun, I settled for a light bulb.
Thereon I refused to acknowledge its existences.

A corner of my heart always knew, for it always felt its warmth, but I feared the bright of its light for I knew it could blind me.

Everyone who continued the search was a traitor, every such breath a blasphemy.

A veil saved me from the sun whilst the bulb kept the darkness at bay.

For the life that I lived, I worshipped none, neither the darkness nor the sun.


He was but a boy of thirteen, with shiny eyes full of dreams.
The same beautiful eyes saw his father die.
They were still the same, as beautiful as ever,
but their owner changed, aged years in no time.
With or without the dreams eyes shinned the same.

You don’t age in numbers or year.
You do age 
in scars, tragedies, and experience. 


Used like a rented house, daresay a whore.
With every soul I met, I stepped back some more.
Imagined monstrosities felt a chill from Ties and the boot.
Inquiring eyes followed, resisted every step,
Judging every action. Sugary words followed,
tearing away every bit of innocence and joy,
Until I felt no more, adding one to the heard of demons.
Symphony became cacophony, blood turned white,
stabbing backs, earning titles just to be stabbed,
by the likes of me, every time I emerged but cold.

Soldier’s fear.

I do not fear death, at the same time I cherish my life.
The mere reason that I cherish my life, and of those around me, takes away the fear of death.
I do not care how ferocious is the demon that I fight.
As long as he is a demon I will fight.
The worst of my fears is fighting a man, normally living earth dwelling man.
I fear the voice which tells me that the demon whom I fight is, in fact, a man,
that he also has someone to protect.
That he also is comfortable fighting demons.
That he also demonizes me.
That he also fears to face a man.
That he also is just like me.
That killing him is just a suicide.

Such am I

Vitreous I seem, dazzling truth,
a veil of lucidity hiding the darkness within,
thoughts so vice, yet honeyed words.
Oh Lord, keep the veil intact,
shelter my innocent words.
Such am I, Oh great giver,
virtues and the vice.
Resentments I hold, weigh me down,
strange silence surrounds me,
By refraining the materialization,
thoughts never died, grudges never melted.
deep within, I stayed absorbed,
the great ‘Naad’ is still unheard.
Such am I, Oh great giver,
the inflamed statue.
Everywhere in the known world,
sometimes into the absurd,
empowered by riches my search continued,
found the doors closed, ahead I moved.
I wandered till my feet became a map.
Oh Lord, You still are the unknown.
Such am I, Oh great giver,
virtues and the vice,
Judge me.

Anhad Naad , Sanskrit origin, it means “primordial sound”.
Inspired by ‘Japji Sahib’  n ‘Eho Hamara Jeevna’.


The fabric of dreams
binds flesh to bones,
entangles a seed to a womb,
guides a bird’s flight,
weaves an inescapable web,
the one we call time.
The fabric of dreams
holds planets in orbits,
makes the ever shining sun,
pierce through every known star,
makes a garland we call Universe.

I feel alive

I feel alive when death offers her hand, a dive into the void.
I feel alive while clenching my fist it sweats on the insides.
I feel alive when my truths find some concerned yet fearful lips.
I feel alive when a rifle butt stamps ‘traitor’ on my back.
I feel alive because no-one suppresses the dead.
I feel alive when I see my blood fights the grayness of soil.
I feel alive because one-day every tree will grow read leaves.